Friday, July 15, 2011

Brainwashed: Part 3

Dear Brother Sam, 
How do you get brainwashed young adults to open their mind (sic) and step outside the bible box? These kids are my nieces and they have been brainwashed their whole lives . . . If I even mention anything about no gawd, they cop an attitude.
Brother Frank DelNiro

Dear Brother Frank,
There was nobody outside the cave hollering in at me, saying, "Right this way! Read this! Question this!" I had to assemble my own escape mechanism out of such fragments as I could find among the trash in the cave. Given my willfulness as a youth, I might've resisted had somebody tried to talk me into atheism. (An odd turn of phrase, that.) But my keepers left the Bible right out in the open, where I could get to it. Naturally, before long, I formed it into a spade with which I made good my escape into the fresh clean air of good sense, after first smacking them upside their heads with it. Part 4 Tomorrow
Brother Sam